Oh absolutely, I would also love to write a book but have so many ideas and every time I start I’m so overwhelmed I just stop! And then I figure maybe I don’t want it enough if I can’t even start?

I’d like to set a monthly goal to just write and not look back on what was written until I have at least a few pages, that way I’m writing without editing over and over again and feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything. Best of luck with you and your book!!

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I relate to that SO HARD, Anna! A monthly goal is such a great idea, and even better to avoid reading back at what you’ve written so you’re not constantly editing yourself. I might steal that ❤️

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Aug 7Liked by Lauren Brook

I second Soph's comment! I was really guilty of this particularly when it came to my fitness (I would literally never exercise) until I did myself damage and couldn't afford to make excuses anymore. If you told me a year ago that I'd be lifting weights I wouldn't have believed you! I used to just dismiss it as 'I'm not a sporty person'. I hate how true it is that comfort zones are lovely but nothing grows there!

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Nothing 👏 grows 👏 there 👏👏👏

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Aug 7Liked by Lauren Brook

Ooh love this take! And calling yourself out too 👏 I definitely have to clock myself sometimes when I'm saying "I don't have time to do [xyz]" when I, in fact, have plenty of time. I try and remind myself that it's okay to not want to prioritise that thing but I should say that rather than making an excuse - for example, saying "I'm too tired to do that right now, so I'll read/rest instead."

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Sometimes we just have to call it out and hold ourselves accountable - always with kindness and empathy, of course ❤️ I love that idea of being honest with ourselves rather than making excuses!

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