Love this story and love how it was the reason I found you too! x

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We were thrown together like pebbles in the sea and I am sooooo grateful! x

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I love it when serendipitous moments and opportunities like that appear!

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Thank you soooo much Joanna (and apologies for my severely delayed reply to this lovely comment!)

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I don’t think I have squeed more loudly for someone I don’t know. Love this take on rejection and the possibilities it can bring.

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SARAH, oh my goodness, this comment moved me so much 🥹 thank you so much, what an incredibly kind person you are xxx

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Lovedddd this! The excitement, the vulnerability and the absolute king Huxley cat cameos. It’s true isn’t it that often when we most go out on a limb and put ourselves out that we reap the most reward, even when it’s not straightforward success.

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Thank you so much. Couldn’t agree more xxxx

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Loved reading this, Lauren! Thank you (and Elizabeth!) for sharing - it’s wonderful to hear your journey and your enthusiasm and excitement just radiates through my screen! I firmly believe (like a lot of people!) that chance opportunities are the things that change our lives the most, and this is a brilliant example. Long may this period of your life and work reign (and I remain hopeful something just as exciting and perfect comes along for me one day).

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Thank you so much Jo, your opinion means so much to me. It was so joyous to write it and go back to that time in my life when everything shifted! Turns out, being brave often means embracing failure and being really vulnerable. What a life lesson ❤️

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